Michael & Lisa Reynolds
Steve Combs, Scott Pogan and the entire staff at Pine Valley Golf Club
Wishing you the best this holiday season and a Blessed New Year. We look forward to sharing the new Pine Valley Golf Club with you in 2019!
Need A Room For Your
Party, Shower, Meeting or Reunion
Our backroom can hold up to 50 people and is ready for your event.
If you need catering we can help you or bring your own food
We do have beer, wine and soft drinks.
Call Steve at 330-335-3375 or 330-205-8120
Rustic Hills Country Club is closing January 5th
This club has been a staple since the mid 60’s and for many years was a private club for the residents of the Rustic Hills development. It was open to the public for a number of years and always had a fantastic banquet facility. I remember my daughter’s cotillion there. Sorry to see another piece of local history and golf going by the wayside.
Pine Valley invites all of Rustic Hills players and any league organizers to check us out and play Pine Valley in 2019.
Contact us at 330-335-3375 – 330-205-8120 or email us at
In January we will start removing over
50 trees.
We will soon be starting renovations in the clubhouse.
We now have 2 John Deere fairway mowers for the new season.
We’ve ordered seed, fertilizer, weed control and pesticides to keep the
course looking great all year.
More to come and I will post pictures as I have them.
Thanks for your continued support.
The Perfect Stocking Stuffer
Comes in 4 Great Sizes
$50 – $100 – $150 – $200
Order today at our online store or call Steve 330-335-3375 or 330-205-8120
We have 4 great Gift Card Options
$50 – $100 – $150 – $200
Prepay for your golf with one of these!
Available online at our online store
Call Steve at 330-335-3375 or 330-205-8120
There are 9 new rules that go in to effect at the first of the year that will make life a lot easier on us amateur golfers. One of them came in to play this past weekend at the Hero”s Challenge event in The Bahamas. Tiger Woods in round 3 hit his ball in some trees on 17 and when he hit out he double hit the ball. Although he didn’t think he did when they played it back in super super slow motion they caught it. In the past this would have been a penalty and should have been here except no one caught it when it happened just that Tiger might have pushed his ball which is also a penalty. Tiger if he had known he had done it should have called it on himself and television replays can no longer be used for rules infractions unless it is blatant in real time not slow motion.
If you haven’t received the revised rules of golf you can google it on the internet or go to or usga.orgrules. Golf Digest has a great article on the rule changes also.
Look forward to seeing you soon,
Steve – Pine Valley Golf Club
Pine Valley Golf Club
A great location in Medina County, within 15 minutes of the entire Akron metropolitan area and 30 minutes or less from most Cleveland Suburbs, we are conveniently located close to interstate 77 and 76/224 in beautiful Wadsworth, Ohio.