Do You Know The 9 New Rules

There are 9 new rules that go in to effect at the first of the year that will make life a lot easier on us amateur golfers. One of them came in to play this past weekend at the Hero”s Challenge event in The Bahamas. Tiger Woods in round 3 hit his ball in some trees on 17 and when he hit out he double hit the ball. Although he didn’t think he did when they played it back in super super slow motion they caught it. In the past this would have been a penalty and should have been here except no one caught it when it happened just that Tiger might have pushed his ball which is also a penalty. Tiger if he had known he had done it should have called it on himself and television replays can no longer be used for rules infractions unless it is blatant in real time not slow motion.

If you haven’t received the revised rules of golf you can google it on the internet or go to or usga.orgrules. Golf Digest has a great article on the rule changes also.

Look forward to seeing you soon,

Steve – Pine Valley Golf Club