What’s Going On At Pine Valley
After a pretty rough start to the golfing year we have the grass down and Pine Valley is very playable. In our efforts to get the greens less spongy our then superintendent lowered the greens mowers too low and because the greens have never been rolled they have a number of bumps and the mower has caused some scalping. They are still playable, just not very pretty and believe me it bothers me and the owners very much. We have a new superintendent who is working to rectify that situation as well as make sure they are watered.
We have been getting a lot of areas cleaned up and a big THANK YOU to the fine folks at Radiant Life Church here in Wadsworth who came out and helped with stick removal and cleanup.
We are going to be working on tile and drainage issues so that a number of our wet areas will hopefully go away when we get rain. This course handles water really well.
We are also looking at updating some of our carts and within the next few days or weeks you’ll see them in service. We also got a pressure washer and I and the young men here are trying to get all the carts sprayed down and looking better.
Michael, Lisa and I are committed to making Pine Valley a great course and we appreciate everyone’s support so far and in the future and I ask that you bring a friend or recommend us to your friends and golf buddies. If you like any articles I post please share with your friends.
See you on the back nine,
Steve Combs